Home Programs Lower Kindergarten

LKG Image

At Gyanda Lower Kindergraten program focuses on Language and Math skills.The LKG program is designed to give children a strong foundation in the skills and academic excellence that will be needed to enter regular school.

The program helps develop physical, personal, social, emotional skills; literature and language skills; logical-mathematical skills; creative and expressive skills; and knowledge and understanding of the world. Our curriculum’s approach allows each child to explore reading, math, science, music, movement and field trips to meet our five frameworks of learning.

Key Areas in Kindergarten Curriculum

  • Personal Social and Emotional Development
  • Cognitive development
  • Theme based Concept Time
  • Math readiness
  • Language and Phonics
  • Inculcating Life-long learning skills
  • Opportunities for development of aesthetic sense

Activities Involved

  • Sensory Time
  • Story Time
  • Water Play
  • Sand Play
  • Science Time
  • Creative Time
  • Library Time
  • Celebration of festivals and special days
  • Field trips
  • Puppet shows and skits
  • Public speaking
  • Free play with Technology Corner

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