Home Programs Pre Nursery

Pre Nursery Image

Children start to explore the world around them as soon as they are born. At Gyanda, the play group curriculum enables children to continue their exploration. Early experiences in the first few years of life are critical for acquisition of skills as maximum brain development happens during this period.

The objective of the program is to train parents to help them foster their child’s development by learning and practising child development through a scientific approach. This program will foster social, aesthetic and motor skills in young children.

Key Areas in Pre Nursery Curriculum

  • Learning by exploration
  • Building communication skills
  • Encouraging positive peer interaction
  • Theme based Concept Time
  • Math Readiness
  • Language Readiness
  • Opportunities for fine and gross motor development
  • Promoting cognitive development

Activities Involved

  • Sensory Time
  • Story Time
  • Water Play
  • Sand Play
  • Creative Time
  • Library Time
  • Celebration of festivals and special days
  • Field Trips
  • Puppet shows and skits
  • Free Play with Technology Corner

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