Static Event


Business Plan Presentation will be done online from 21 to 25 March 2023 for which registrations of time slot will be done on 10 March 2023. Teams are to assume that they work for a firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype kart for the non- professional, weekend, competition market. The kart should have very high performance in terms of acceleration, braking and maneuverability and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the events described in the rulebook.

The Objectives of the Business Plan are to:

Teach participants about the factors that need to be considered when a company embarks on development of a new product. These include: cost identification of market and likely sales volume; profitability; the key features applicable to the selected vehicle concept and target market size.

  • Ensure teams develop the concept of their entry with all of these aspects correctly considered, from the outset.
  • Ensure that static events are approached with a single common concept and presented to each set of static judges in the same manner.
  • Ensure that participants gain experience in producing a business case and balancing potentially conflicting attributes.

The Design, Cost and Business Presentation judges will use the business plan to verify that the information presented at each static event is consistent with the overall objectives as outlined in the Static Events Rules.

  • In the Design event, the business plan may be used to identify how the team determined the trade-off between design for performance and design for manufacture and cost, how these requirements were considered in the overall concept and whether these were achieved in the final vehicle.
  • In the Cost event, the business plan may be used to determine that the cost target was met for the same design solution and how Cost was integrated into the overall concept and the iterative design process.
  • In the Business Presentation event, the business plan will be used to assess whether the business presentation is appropriate for the market and business strategy that the team has identified.

General Requirements-

The steps in developing the case generally will consist of

  • Benchmarking (analysis of previous competition results, competitor vehicle specifications and costs etc.)
  • Short listing preferred concepts
  • Assessing your team (company) capability to deliver different concepts recognizing the budget and team that you have
  • Selecting your initial concept and developing targets to be achieved by the total vehicle (these will include target overall cost; likely sales potential; major performance and handling targets; timing plan for progressing the project;)
  • Deciding on how to break down the total vehicle cost into different areas of the vehicle, recognizing the performance targets you have set.
  • Commencing your design to deliver the design concept and related targets recognizing that the ensuing process will often be iterative and trade-offs will be necessary but if you have never defined the overall concept and what you plan to achieve, you will not be able to control your program and measure your progress.

Evaluation Process- Every team will be given a time period of 30 minutes for the evaluation that involves the questionnaire round and feedback as well.

  • Setup Time: 2 Minutes
  • Presentation Time: 12 Minutes
  • Questionnaire Round: 10 Minutes
  • Feedback: 6 Minutes
  • The number of slides or the contents is not limited but care should be taken for the time restriction.

Presentation will be done on Google Meet and every session will be recorded.

No of Members– Minimum 2 and maximum 5 members can present the business plan presentation while 5 (maximum) other members can join to learn and prepare for the forthcoming events.

Submission Required– Only the BPES, Pitch Video and Business Plan Presentation are needed to be submitted for the evaluation. The submission must be done on the google drive as per the instructions.

Printed Reports- Not Required.

Reference- Click Here to View.