Static Event

DisAsm Test

DisAsm- This event consists of the dismantling and assembling the different parts of the vehicle. Maximum five (5) members can engage in this activity and the maximum time limit for the completion of this event is thirty (30) minutes.

Safety Precautions

  • The kart must be kept on the kart stand all the time during the Disasm event.

  • Every member should wear proper shoes, workshop gloves, and full sleeves clothes.

  • No surgical gloves are allowed.

1- Parts to be dismantled and assembled from the CV 150cc and CV 125cc Karts:

  • Bodyworks- All the body parts/panels must be detached from the vehicle.

  • Wheels- Wheels must be detached from the vehicle.

  • Engine (not internal parts)- Only the engine is required to be removed out of the vehicle, not its internal parts.

  • Steering- Steering wheel and all the links must be dismantled.

  • Fuel tank- Removal of the fuel tank is necessary for this event.

  • Exhaust system- Exhaust system must be taken out of the vehicle.

2- Parts to be dismantled and assembled from the EV Karts:

  • Bodyworks- All the body parts/panels must be detached from the vehicle.

  • Wheels- Wheels must be detached from the vehicle.

  • Steering- Steering wheel and all the links must be dismantled.

  • Motor- Motor with all must be removed during DisAsm.

DisAsm Scoring Formula:

DisAsm Score = 50X [(Tlongest–Tyours)/ (Tlongest–Tshortest)]

Where: "Tshortest" is the fastest time by any team
"Tlongest" is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the shorter interval.
"Tyours" is your team's best time including penalties.

Note- The parts should be dismantled and kept on ground assembly should be started only after the Official's approval.